The closing and opening door trick might be taught to all dog breeds. The only real factor perhaps would be requesting little size dogs to shut big or heavy doors that are beyond their physical abilities.

Open the door several inches, put a tiny part of treat on the hook and call your dog's focus to it, saying "Close the door." In reaching for the treat the dog will set his forefeet to the doorway , which will shut it. If preferable the treat may be balanced around the door handle, and closing the door will jar it to the ground, when he should be permitted to eat it and be commended and petted.
After be has done this a couple times you are able to progress him in his lessons by setting the treat in place while he's in another room, then call him in and say "Close the doorway," directing him toward it, and when he fails to go, show him the treat and motivate him to get it. In time he'll comprehend the sequence and can shut any door that's revealed to him.
Eventually, instruct him to shut the door without needing any benefit in sight, but after he closes it in response to your own order reward him using a treat. In the initial lessons you will not need to be specific about getting the door shut tight, but in later phases, insist upon its being done prior to any benefit is given.
Dogs could be taught easily to open swinging doors, but opening fastened doors is a more hard action, and is possible only with those which have the simplest and easiest latches.
To educate a dog to open a swinging door shove it open in the underside and call his attention to it. Do this numerous times daily for a number of days, then go through the door, shutting it after you, and depart from your pet on the opposite side; call him and he'll soon figure out how to shove the doorway open as a way to reach you.
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